Things tagged 'planning'

limited to the area of Welhat Cycling:

One issue found for 'planning':

  • Junction of A602 and A119: Planning Application PL\0851\17

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    The proposals are to enlarge the existing A119/A602 roundabout, to incorporate two-lane entries on all four arms and to provide a segregated left-turn lane on the approach from the north. The circulatory carriageway is also widened to two lanes. The footway along the A119 will remain in place. The footpath from the roundabout towards Watton-at-Stone will be reinstated and extended as part of the works to create a new link. It will be extended approximately 250m along Ware Road to connect with the existing footway into Watton-at-Stone. An uncontrolled pedestrian crossing will be provided at the A119 traffic island.

    You can view the planning applications by visiting the Herts CC planning portal and searching using the reference number PL\0851\17 (for A119)

    The planning case officer is Sharon Threlfall. Comments can be sent to

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172 threads found for 'planning':

No planning applications found for 'planning'.

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